BeLoose Graphic Workshop

Dick Sneary, ASAI, past president of American Society of Architectural Illustrators, is considered by his peers as one of the best architectural illustrators in the world.  We are honored to have him as part of our growing graphics community at  For over 30 years, Dick, who is also a seasoned architect, has shared and collaborated his talents and gifts to the BeLoose Graphic Workshop, thereby influencing thousands of designers all over the world!  His 2 points charts is still very popular and widely used to save designers' time when setting up quick and easy perspectives. Dick enjoys sharing, is compassionate and extremely knowledgeable in every aspect of rendering techniques. We are currently in the midst of planning a watercolor workshop for our January session in Las Vegas which will feature Dick and his wife Susan Lynn, a very accomplished artist in her own right. Stay tuned for more information!


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BeLoose is a workshop where the experience will definitely change people's lives and increase their confidence beyond their expectation.

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Before / After Drawings

"Before" drawing was done on the 1st day and "After" was done after 6 days. This can happen to you, so just show up, we will do the rest for you.

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